Mon-Fri: 8:00 – 18:00

How to sell on Shopify?

If you want to stand out from the crowd of sellers on Amazon and other marketplaces, dream of your own online store, then Shopify is perfect for your e-commerce.

Shopify is one of the most popular platforms for building a complete online store. The site includes designing, uploading product catalogs, setting up a shopping cart for checkout, and enabling social media integration. You can choose how big your store will be, customize your own URL to stand out from others.

Step 1: Create your store

The first and most important step is to create a Shopify store. Select a tariffthat suits you and register on the platform. Next, choose the design of your store and add the features you need, such as shopping cart, payment, and shipping.

Step 2: Add products to your store

After creating an e-shop, you need to add products. Decide which ones you want to sell online and add them to the page. When adding products, be sure to specify their description, price, upload an image and other information that may be of interest to the buyer.

Step 4: Promote your store

To attract customers and increase sales, you need to promote your store. Use various marketing tools such as targeted advertising, contextual advertising, email marketing or social networks. In addition, do not forget about SEO – optimization of your site for search engines, thanks to which your site will be displayed on the first positions of search results.

We professionally work with the listed marketing tools. By ordering promotion from us, you can confidently devote yourself to the strategic issues of your business.

You can check out the price list here.

So how do you get started selling on Shopify?

In this article, we will go over the basic steps required to successfully sell on this platform.

Step 3: Set up payment and shipping

In order for buyers to pay for their orders and receive goods, you need to set up a payment and delivery system. Shopify offers various payment methods such as credit cards and PayPal. In addition, you can set up shipping methods and costs.

Step 5: Communicate with clients

To keep your customers and increase the number of repeat purchases, you need to build a sales funnel, connect a CRM system to the site and contact number, and manage the contacts. Answer questions, provide information about products and services, resolve issues, and remain courteous and professional.

Whether you are a young entrepreneur or an owner of a large company, our agency is ready to multiply your results. If you prefer other CMS such as WordPress, Tilda or WIX, we also work with them and create selling sites.

Apply today to find out how we can help you succeed in e-commerce!

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Mon-Fri: from 08:00 – 18:00

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