Impressions: 191K Google  CTR: 3.3 % Google Average position: 22.7 Google The site was audited, keywords were identified, and meta tags, content, and external links were optimized. A blog has been created and position monitoring has been set up. As a result, for the year 191 thousand impressions, CTR 3.3% and an average position of […]


Conversion: 35% ↑ Cost per conversion: 20% ↓ A study of user behavior was conducted, search queries were analyzed. Additionally, we optimized the distribution of target URLs to achieve maximum efficiency of advertising campaigns. An advertising account was set up and advertising campaigns were launched.


Conversion: 40% ↑ Cost per conversion: 15% ↓ For the site, an audit of user behavior was carried out, search queries were worked out. The audience was segmented pointwise and creatives were launched for each of the audiences. As a result: The cost of the application decreased by 15%, and the number of conversions increased […]


Conversion: 20% ↑ Cost per conversion: 15% ↓ Narrow audience segments were developed and advertisements were launched using key queries with attractive texts. As a result: the client base increased, customer loyalty increased, the cost of the application decreased, the percentage of conversion increased


Conversion: x2 Cost per conversion: 58%↓ The site was analyzed for usability and user behavior using the Google Analytics analytics system. Search queries have been worked out, an advertising account has been set up and advertising campaigns have been launched. As a result, the conversion increased by 2 times, and the cost per conversion decreased […]

Rolls Rent

Conversion: 26% ↑ Cost per conversion: 38% ↓ Advertising budget: 21% ↓ The analysis of user behavior was carried out, search queries were worked out, the correctness of the distribution of target URLs was checked, an advertising account was set up and advertising campaigns were launched. As a result: the client base increased, customer loyalty […]


Coverage: 30% ↑ Leads: 15%  ↑ Case in the field of B2B. We provided assistance to an advertising agency that specializes in PR campaigns. By fine-tuning and fine-tuning targeted advertising, we increased our reach agencies by 30% and brought the client 15% more leads


Leads: x2 Cost per lead: 50% ↓ Client goal: increase the number of applications. To achieve this goal, an analysis of the audience and competitors was carried out, a promotion strategy was developed, current advertising campaigns were optimized and new advertising campaigns were launched. Result: We received 2 times more leads, while the cost per […]


Leads:70% ↑ Cost per lead: 15% ↓ The client expressed a desire to increase the number of orders, and to achieve this goal, the following steps were implemented: a marketing strategy was developed, audience analysis and segmentation was carried out, and 5 advertising campaigns were launched. Result: The number of leads increased by 70%, and […]


Coverage: 30% ↑ Leads: 40% ↑ The client wanted to increase the number of car rental applications. To do this, a study of the audience and competitors was carried out, the promotion strategy was optimized, and advertising campaigns were launched for target audiences. As a result: Reach in advertising campaigns: +30%, number of leads: +40%