Carsharing Level

#application #design Carsharing Level An attractive and colorful design of the Level carsharing application has been created. The simple and intuitive interface makes it easy to find, book and rent a car without any difficulties. The result is an increase in the number of customers already in the first month after the update.

Kivi Ride

#application #design Kivi Ride An application with a unique design has been developed for the courier delivery service. The intuitive interface and fast navigation allowed users to quickly call a courier, track a parcel and pay for an order online

Rolls App

#application #design Rols App An application for renting transport has been developed with a concise design and a well-thought-out interface. Convenient booking and selection criteria, personalized selection of transport with instant access to it. As a result: saving the client’s time, individual approach. The number of applications through the app has increased by 30%.


#Instagram #SMM For a network of hairdressing salons, we have created a unique style of account design and filled profiles with selling content. An effective combination of content and advertising focused on the target audience has led to a noticeable increase in the flow of customers.